Drinkwater vs. Frost, Conservative vs. Liberal
Conservative William Drinkwater (Vanderbilt University student, class of 2007) and Liberal Allen Frost (Swarthmore College alumnus, class of 2004) debate the issues...
Friday, April 29
Monday, April 25
Questions to ask Liberals
- What caused the Great Depression?
- What, in your mind, would be a "fair share" of taxes? Give me a rate (%).
- Why should "income inequality" concern Americans?
- What would you consider income equality? In other words, what quantity goal(s) are we striving for when we suggest ways to reduce income inequality?
- Are we willing to tolerate any differences in income or is socialism the only acceptable option?
- When political pundits make the point that citizens have come to depend on social security for their retirements and therefore privatization should be rejected, what is your typical reaction?
- Do you get angry over the fact that Americans have "come to depend" on the government for income in what is an entirely predictable point in one’s life? Moreover, do you think such a shift away from self sufficiency and towards government dependence is deleterious to a democratic society?
- Are we spending enough on education?
- How much should we be spending?
- How much are we currently spending?
- Why is medical care so expensive? Who's to blame and what's the solution?
- Do you favor price ceilings as a counter to high drug/health care costs?
- How would this affect the economy in the context of the free-market? In other words, what does it "cost" us to gain the "benefit" of lower prices?
Magazines, Blogs, Journals, News Sources etc...
- National Review
- Commentary
- The Weekly Standard
- First Things
- Newsmax.com
- Townhall.com
- WorldNetDaily.com
- Public Interest
- Heritage Foundation
- The American Spectator
- The Cato Journal
- Human Events
- Reason
- The American Enterprise
Fairly Even
- Time
- Newsweek
- Atlantic Monthly
- Economist
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Nation
- The American Prospect
- Harper's Magazine
- New York Times
- Brookings Review